Using Lingke ultrasonic welding of non-woven materials

Additive-free nonwoven material joining is ideal for the hygiene sector, medical technology as well as cosmetics and care products. Nonwoven materi...

Application of Lingke Ultrasonic in the Field of Battery Welding

Lingke Ultrasonic uses technical expertise and welding innovation to create a new generation of battery technology. To maintain their edge in lithi...

How to Repair a Malfunctioning Rinco Ultrasonic Generator

Ultrasonic power supply, usually also called ultrasonic generator, ultrasonic drive power supply, and ultrasonic controller, is an important part o...

How to Use Lingke Ultrasonic Welding to Provide Reliable Connections for Automotive Exteriors

To keep pace with the rapidly evolving global automotive market, automakers and component suppliers continue to develop lightweight, cost-effective...

Successful Application Cases of Lingke Ultrasonic in The Household Appliance Field

The individual requirements for components of various household appliances are very high: tightness, strength, dimensional accuracy, perfect visual...

How to Repair Telsonic Ultrasonic Welding Products If They Malfunction

The demand for complex and efficient automation systems in the production industry is increasing, and the concept of automation covers different ap...

Application of Lingke Ultrasonic in Medical Plastic Welding(二)

In order to make products in the medical field, process verification and process stability are also important factors in the manufacturing process ...

Application of Lingke Ultrasonic in Medical Plastic Welding(一)

The medical field has extremely high requirements for product quality. In addition to tightness, strength and minimum particle generation, process ...

How to Repair a Malfunctioning Telsonic Ultrasonic Equipment

Lingke Ultrasonic is an expert in the field of ultrasonic equipment with 30 years of experience in the industry. Its professional technical team ha...

Lingke Ultrasonic Technology for Food Cutting And Packaging

The ultrasonic process can well meet the strict hygiene requirements of the food industry. In the food field, Lingke ultrasonic technology is mainl...

Lingke Ultrasonic Cutting Application on Fabrics

Ultrasonic technology can be used in a variety of processes, whether welding, split welding, resistance seam welding, embossing, punching or cuttin...

How to Repair The Rinco Ultrasonic Plastic Welding Machine If It Breaks Down?

Ultrasonic plastic welding machine is a machine that uses ultrasonic welding. It is mainly used for welding various thermoplastic and thermosetting...

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